A study on Korean sirum in pictures 인문,사회과학편 : 회화에 나타난 한국의 씨름
46(2) 1-12, 2007
A study on Korean sirum in pictures 인문,사회과학편 : 회화에 나타난 한국의 씨름
The objectives of this study are to have a more clear understanding of Korean ssireum handed down through paintings that describe ssireum activities and to explain the characteristics of Korean ssireum appearing in ssireum paintings. In order to analyze information on ssireum paintings from the Period of the Three Kingdoms to the Gap o Reformation in 1894 in the Chosun Dynasty, we collected primary and secondary historical materials related to ssireum and carried out literature review through a diachronic approach. According to the results of this research, Korean ssireum described in paintings are as follows. Ssireum was men's sports played regardless of time and place, In the Chosun Dynasty; ssireum players wore everyday dress, suggesting the characteristic of ssireum as a play, but in the Koguryo Dynasty 1500 years ago, players wore a uniform as in today's ssireunm, suggesting that it was played as a sport event. The use of a thigh band was common through history. The ssireum arena was formed naturally by the surrounding line of the spectators.
Key Words
Sports, Korean ssireum, picture
Study on the traditional sports described in Nanjung Ilgi -focused on Baduk, Janggi, Ssireum, Hunting, Walking, Transcendence(tumbling)- 인문,사회과학편 : 이순신(李舜臣)의 「란종일기(亂終日記)」에 나타난 수담(手談)(혁(奕)), 박(博), 각력(角力), 렵(獵), 산보(散步), 초월(超越)에 관한 연구
진윤수YoonSooJin , 송일훈IlHunSong , 안진규JinKyuAn
46(2) 13-23, 2007
Study on the traditional sports described in Nanjung Ilgi -focused on Baduk, Janggi, Ssireum, Hunting, Walking, Transcendence(tumbling)- 인문,사회과학편 : 이순신(李舜臣)의 「란종일기(亂終日記)」에 나타난 수담(手談)(혁(奕)), 박(博), 각력(角力), 렵(獵), 산보(散步), 초월(超越)에 관한 연구
진윤수YoonSooJin , 송일훈IlHunSong , 안진규JinKyuAn
The present study took its aim on identifying wtiat the Baduk, Janggi, Ssireunv Hunting, Walking, Transcendence were for Yi Sun Sin through the text analysis method with a focus on "Nanjung Ilgi". The study was materialized as followings. First, Baduk and Janggi were the physical activities for passing away tedious time and promote friendly relations with subordinate generals. Baduk and Janggi were mainly the physical activities for high officials. Second, Ssireum was recommended to soldiers as the game means for enhancing the morale and inspiring the spirit of militarism. Third, Yi Sun Sin had not hunted directly, but his subordinate generals hunted animals. This means that these generals were considerably excellent in their physical ability. Fourth/ Walking was executed for refreshing or conditioning. Fifth, Transcendence was the performance in which generals demonstrated their excellent physical ability where all the Joseon naval forces gathered together, in order to promote the morale of armed forces and the atmosphere of the festival.
The experience of pariticipating in dance sports and the quality of life 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참여 경험과 삶의 질
김은미EunMeeKim , 권욱동WookDongKwon
46(2) 25-34, 2007
The experience of pariticipating in dance sports and the quality of life 인문,사회과학편 : 댄스스포츠 참여 경험과 삶의 질
김은미EunMeeKim , 권욱동WookDongKwon
This research analyzed the data with procedures such as development and application for the record of interview details and symbolization by subjects, categorization and connection of data, etc by performing in-depth interview and field recording as a qualitative research method on what effects the experience of participating in dance sports can have on participant's quality of life. The motive for participating in dance sports showed as being influenced by agents of three main significant others in the order of friends and family, school and mass media while the change of recognizing dance sports as a form of exercise and not the dance. In terms of conflict, the participants of research suffered from conflict right after participating in dance sports and there were conflicts on learning movements and toward comparing with other students. In terms of change in attitude followed by continued participation, while female participants get to care much about their own appearance and clothing, male participants cared a lot about not making their partner uncomfortable. For effects followed participation, the health effects, sense of confidence and confirmation of identity presented while vitality in life and promotion of family life cycle were shown for the change of life. The participants of dance sports were satisfied with their leisure time while the distinction of dance sports presented as attractiveness called sympathy with partners, cheerful movement by music and new leisure activity compared other conventional leisure activities. In terms of continued participation majority of participants showed as wanting to participate in dance sports continuously.
Key Words
Dance sports, quality of life
Critiques and methodology of Taekwondo philosophy 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 철학의 비판과 그 방법론
김방출BangChoolKim , 이창후ChangHooLee
46(2) 35-45, 2007
Critiques and methodology of Taekwondo philosophy 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도 철학의 비판과 그 방법론
김방출BangChoolKim , 이창후ChangHooLee
The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the basic concepts of methodology for Taekwondo philosophy. The first task is to investigate the nature of the philosophy critically, and then try to explain the features and characteristics of philosophy in general when it is regarded as an academic discipline. This whole process will help to establish Taekwondo philosophy and the standards for verifications of good candidates of Taekwondo philosophy. The three necessary conditions of good Taekwondo philosophy are unique identity, comprehensiveness, and futility. As the most important feature of general philosophy is the critical thinking, all of the above argument should be critically reflected and followed by a lot of discussion and debates.
Key Words
Taekwondo philosophy, traditional martial art
Martin Heidegger`s being thinking and the way of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 하이데거의 존재사유와 스포츠의 길
46(2) 47-55, 2007
Martin Heidegger`s being thinking and the way of sport 인문,사회과학편 : 하이데거의 존재사유와 스포츠의 길
The purpose of this study is to inquiry the way of sport as ideal alternative method on problems of physical education and sport by studying Heidegger" s ontological philosophy. According to Heidegger being thinking, The natural of modem technology is that rebukes strongly(German language presented as gelassenheit). To this study problem. I will try to approach as three stages. First stage, we understand Heidegger7 s philosophy centering on difference of being and being something, being-forget and being question^ being toward death. Second stage, Heidegger seeing sport focus on his ontological thinking method. Third stage, I know that Heidegger7 s philosophy implication on sport and physical education. In conclusion, we have to understand enjoying sport itself and seek to self-realization in spent In addition, We have to seek to natural value of sport. We know that overcome sport problems by studying Heidegger" philosophy. It is the reason that we study Martin Heidegger philosophy. Therefor this study indicates that the way of sport is the way of Heidegger ’s being thinking.
Key Words
Sport, Martin Heidegger, ontological thinking
The publicness of sport and communitarianism 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠의 공공성과 공동체주의
This study raises an objection to the approach that regards sport as a commercial means while emphasizing its autonomy, and attempts to establish the theoretical proposition of sport as an public goods. This paper first examines the aspects of publicness of sport and proposes communitarianism as a way of securing the publicness. The publicness of sport is described on the basis of three main concepts of communitarianism: social practice, social union, and complex equality. That is, the sport based on communitarianism produces social practice, united the society, and brings forth complex equality. In conclusion; this paper points out the need for the proper effort to integrate the autonomy with the publicness of sport in our cultural context.
Key Words
Publicness, communitarianism, universal access
The ethos in sports 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠에 있어서 에토스
46(2) 67-73, 2007
The ethos in sports 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠에 있어서 에토스
When analyzing fair-play in sports, normally it begins with examining the rules of sports. The further the depth of the analysis goes, however, the areas of fairness some of which can not be fully explained by those rules, are discovered. These areas would be named as ethos. Compared with rules which are codified and clearly tell black from white, a judgment in case of ethos is mostly not able to be made easily. Even so, it is a matter of common knowledge that the efforts to study and explain the ethos which is, along with rules, one of two principal axes maintaining fair plays in sports are necessary. Therefore, this study is aimed to establish a specific definition of the meaning of ethos in sports, and by conducting a thorough research about that, this study has concluded following three results. Firstly, sports ethos has a comprehensive and customary norm as the content of it. Secondly, sports ethos shows a fair and universal characteristic. Thirdly, sports ethos func社ons as an active and coordinating way. Considering results set forth above, it could be realized that ethos makes up for the weak points of rules which have an inclination toward formalism, and plays an important role to lead sports to right way by this characteristic.
Key Words
Sports, fair-play, ehos
Experimental consideration for body management of dancer`s 인문,사회과학편 : 무용수의 몸 관리를 위한 체험적 고찰
권욱동KwonWookDong , 박미향ParkMiHyang
46(2) 75-83, 2007
Experimental consideration for body management of dancer`s 인문,사회과학편 : 무용수의 몸 관리를 위한 체험적 고찰
권욱동KwonWookDong , 박미향ParkMiHyang
In this study, to identify the experience of body management, method of body management and the change after management in female professional dancers by majored dance type (Korean dancer, ballet, and modem dance), 13 female professional dancers (4 Korean dancers, 4 ballerinas, and 5 modem dancers) were selected. Qualitative analysis method was adopted; the data analysis was performed by qualitative method through ihe process of recording of interviewed contents, development and application of coding by subject, and categorization with use of depth interviews and focus group interviews based on the categorization by ground-theoretical approach method that had been used by Jeong-Seup Lee (2001) and the conclusion was obtained. In terms of body management of dancers, they managed their appearance, muscle, and breathing method; training and meridian pathway care were found to be the best methods and positive investments were found to be made for ideal bodies; in terms of change after management' their bodies became lighter and they found to receive less limit in their motions.
Key Words
Dance experience, management of dance`s body, professional dancers body
The relationships among the participation event of community sports club, activity flow and a sense of community 인문,사회과학편 : 지역사회 스포츠클럽 참가종목과 활동몰입 및 지역사회 공동체의식의 관계
장진우JangJinWoo , 강효민KangHyomin
46(2) 85-94, 2007
The relationships among the participation event of community sports club, activity flow and a sense of community 인문,사회과학편 : 지역사회 스포츠클럽 참가종목과 활동몰입 및 지역사회 공동체의식의 관계
장진우JangJinWoo , 강효민KangHyomin
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among the participation event in community sports dub, activity flow and a sense of community. Using the stratified clustered random sair또)ling method, 382 subjects from the sports dub members who have been taking part in Young Dong region of Gang Won province were finally collected after data cleaning. The statistical methods utilized for testing the difference among sub variables were ANCOVA and multiple regression analysis by SPSS/Win 11.0 Version After analysis of data, result are as follows : Firstly, the participants who participated badminton dub had relatively higher level of cognitive flow than those who the other events of club activity and the participants who participated soccer club bad relatively higher level of behavioral flow than those who the other events of club activity. Secondly, the participants who participated marathon had relatively higher level of fulfillment and emotional closeness than those who the other events of dub activity and the participants v^\o participated badminton club had relatively higher level of connection. Finally, it was showed that the higher the cognitive flow, the higher the fulfillment and membership, influence and the higher the behavioral flow, the higher the emotional closeness.
Key Words
Community sports club, participation event, activity flow, a sense of local community
The relationship between the types of decision making and the level of career development decision making for the university athletes` 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동선수들의 의사결정유형과 진로결정수준의 관계
46(2) 95-104, 2007
The relationship between the types of decision making and the level of career development decision making for the university athletes` 인문,사회과학편 : 대학운동선수들의 의사결정유형과 진로결정수준의 관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the types of decision making and the level of career development decision making for the university athletes’. The subjects of this study were selected using the stratified cluster random sampling method from chosen athletes population attending at the universities in Seoul and Gyeong-gi province. They were 262 athletes' who collected from 3 universities. The survey questionnaires were used to collect data. The questionnaires for types of decision making and the level of career development decision making had been developed by Harren(1979) and standardized in Korean language by Go(1992) and adjusted by Kim(19%). The statistical methods utilized in this study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA' multiple regression. From the analyses of data, the following conclusions were obtained: Firstly, there is a slight difference h types of decision making among the university athletes' according to the socio-demographical characteristics. Secondly, there is a little difference in the level of career development decision making according to the socio-demographical characteristics. Lastly, types of decision making of the university athletes' affects the level of career development decision making.
Key Words
Type of decision making, level of career development decision making, university athletes
The overcoming of regional emotion between Youngnam and Honam and sport interchange 인문,사회과학편 : 영·호남 지역감정 극복과 스포츠 교류
임수원LimSooWoen , 송은주SongEunJoo
46(2) 105-115, 2007
The overcoming of regional emotion between Youngnam and Honam and sport interchange 인문,사회과학편 : 영·호남 지역감정 극복과 스포츠 교류
임수원LimSooWoen , 송은주SongEunJoo
The purpose of this study managed as a theoretical current view is to seek the possibility which is to relieve the regional conflicts carried out through the sport interchange between Youngnam and Honam at the cultural dimension. According to the Conflict-functionalism and Safety Valve theory related with the interchange of Elite Sport and the Contact Strategies related with Sport for All, it is enough for the effectiveness to make the emotional conflicts in the two regions solve.
Therefore, an uncompetitive sport program as not impromptu or disposable interchange but continuous and long-range contact should be conceptualized and executed in a major premise as a depending relationship. Also, the events should be changed as the voluntary ones by private organizations not intended ones by national or state government. Of course, the personnel organizations of the sport teams are composed of not regional but interregional units to exclude the local feelings.
Key Words
Regional emotion, sport interchange, Youngnam and Honam
Influence of motives of club members to marine sports on participants satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 해양스포츠 참가자들의 참여동기가 참여만족도에 미치는 영향
이근모LeeKeunMo , 김준KimJun
46(2) 117-130, 2007
Influence of motives of club members to marine sports on participants satisfaction 인문,사회과학편 : 해양스포츠 참가자들의 참여동기가 참여만족도에 미치는 영향
이근모LeeKeunMo , 김준KimJun
The purpose of this study was to investigate how participation motivation and satisfaction of marine sports participants were related in dub sports. Study participants were 232 people lived in Busan and Kyungnam areas, who have been taking part in marine sports by means of the purposeful convenience sanpling. SPSS 120 program was used for analyzing data. 232 data were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and multi regression analysis. The conclusion were as follows: There was difference in participation motivation and participation satisfaction according to which marine sports the participants took part in. The participation motivation bad an effect on participation satisfaction.
Explicit and implicit situation awareness, P300, amplitude, latency
The relationship of taekwondo coach`s leadership behaviors and athletes leadership 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도지도자의 리더십 행동 유형과 선수의 리더십의 관계
46(2) 143-151, 2007
The relationship of taekwondo coach`s leadership behaviors and athletes leadership 인문,사회과학편 : 태권도지도자의 리더십 행동 유형과 선수의 리더십의 관계
The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship of Taekwondo coach’s leadership behavior and athletes leadership. In order to achieve this purpose, 240 subjects were selected among participants of 2007 play of nation elimination match by using the stratified duster random sampling method, out of the 220 questionnaires responded to, only 191 were used for dara analyses because 21 were responded to incompletely or incorrectly, the instrument for data collection was a questionnaire in which coach's leadership behavior and athletes leadership consisted of items identified by Kbn(199) and Seo(1997) respectively, the statistical method utilized in the study for analyzing the collected data were reliability analysis, descriptive statistic, on-way ANOVA, standard multiple regression analysis, and the following results were obtained; First, both coach's leadership behavior and athletes leadership differ statistically and significantly according to both socio-demographic variables. Second, coach's leadership behavior statistically and significantly influences athletes leadership, at risk of obesity.
Key Words
Leadership behavior, cohesion
The study tendency and future theme of teacher`s thinking process inn sports pedagogy 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠교육학에서의 교사사고과정 연구 동향과 향후 과제
문호준MoonHoJun , 김무영KimMooYoung
46(2) 153-170, 2007
The study tendency and future theme of teacher`s thinking process inn sports pedagogy 인문,사회과학편 : 스포츠교육학에서의 교사사고과정 연구 동향과 향후 과제
문호준MoonHoJun , 김무영KimMooYoung
With the criticism on the study about the present P. E teaching' effectiveness in 1980s, the study based on informative process theory and recognitive psychology tended to begin with the teacher" s thinking process such as what and how the teachers think and judge 'before and ’while' they teach, or how they react to the incidental events occurred during the class. The field of domestic P. E education has also studied on the route of decision making, the class design & interaction, the class strategy and the viewpoints of recognitive psychology since the mid 1990s. This study generally examined the research of teacher’s thinking process both domestically and internationally with the future orientation as follows; Firstly, the need of study on practical thinking process of sports teacher; Secondly, the need of linking with study on teacher's knowledge; Thirdly, the extension to various teaching-learning situations; Fourth, usage of study outcome on teacher's thinking process; Finally, the extension of understanding of teaching through continuous study on teachers thinking process.
Key Words
Teacher`s thinking processes
Analysis on the performances of the pommel horse by change of gymnastics`s code of points 인문,사회과학편 : 기계체조 채점규칙 변경에 따른 안마 연기내용 분석
한윤수HanYoonSoo , 최정현ChoiCungHyun
46(2) 171-180, 2007
Analysis on the performances of the pommel horse by change of gymnastics`s code of points 인문,사회과학편 : 기계체조 채점규칙 변경에 따른 안마 연기내용 분석
한윤수HanYoonSoo , 최정현ChoiCungHyun
The purpose of this study was to analyze the performance of pommel horse for participating 2006 national gymnastics con^etition in Aandong. Pommel Horse competition III was recorded by camcorder and it is analysed through Men's code of points. The results are as follows; It is investigated that university gymnasts have 9.65 on average in terms of the degree of performance difficulty. And it is important factor for high score through the minimization of demerit mark of Ceasars at group I, accurate pose of turning at group II, rrdriiirdzation of demerit mark of angle for Magyar and Sivado techniques at group III, performance composition of high degree difficulty at group IV, and coming down after hand-stand of E degree of difficulty
Key Words
Element, element group
Understanding interactions between a teacher and students through metaphor in elementary physical education classes 인문,사회과학편 : 초등체육수업에서 교사와 학생의 인간관계 비유
46(2) 181-190, 2007
Understanding interactions between a teacher and students through metaphor in elementary physical education classes 인문,사회과학편 : 초등체육수업에서 교사와 학생의 인간관계 비유
The purpose of the study was to understand interaction between a teacher and students in an elementary physical education(PE) classes and to highlight the relationship between them in PE classes through metaphor as a useful tool for answering questions of the study. The study focused on 3 questions: (a) What kind of metaphor is representative of phenomenon of PE classes, especially related to interaction between them? (b) How do participants recognize the metaphors? (c) What kind of metaphor is an example of good (or bad) relationship between a PE teacher and his pupils? In oder to achieve th purpose of the study, a case study was used to figure out the interaction between a teacher and students in PE classes. The participants were one male teacher and 38 students. The teacher who lives in Seoul has taught almost all the subjects except some subjects like music and English. His pupils are 4th grade, 21 boys and 17 girls. As a result, metaphors of interaction between a teacher and pupils in PE classes were unveiled as follows; "a director and actors", "a native and strangers”, "a tiger and rabbits", "a shepherd boy and sheep", etc..
Key Words
Metaphor interaction
Expression of ego-identity of college students in department of physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 전문대학 체육관련 학과 학생들의 자기정체성 표현
여지은YeoJiEun , 김경숙KimKyungSook , 이양출LeeYangChool
46(2) 191-200, 2007
Expression of ego-identity of college students in department of physical education 인문,사회과학편 : 전문대학 체육관련 학과 학생들의 자기정체성 표현
여지은YeoJiEun , 김경숙KimKyungSook , 이양출LeeYangChool
The purpose of this study was to analyze qualitatively ego-identity of college students who studied physical education For this research, 60 students were selected in a college where located in a city of Kyung-Kee Provence. This study was proceed following after three steps: expressing oneself with one sentence, describing one’s life through long mid-term report, discussing one's figure. Through this procedure, examining importance of finding ego-identity of college students was possible. The students have been experienced positive and negative situation that formed their identity. Their body and character effected to it and a lot of situational factors influenced it. This research proves that college students find their ego-identity for concentrating their study, school life and future.
Key Words
Ego-identity, college students, self expression
Analysis of content for the estimate of team performance in soccer 인문,사회과학편 : 축구 팀 경기력 평가를 위한 내용분석
46(2) 201-211, 2007
Analysis of content for the estimate of team performance in soccer 인문,사회과학편 : 축구 팀 경기력 평가를 위한 내용분석
This study has been collected and analysed 4 panels using Delphi method on 35 experts in order to identify the significant indicators of team performance in the field of football. Results of the Delphi survey, between of 54 factors have been categorized that the factors would possibly depend the team performance. They are composed of team organization ability category, tactic/strategy category, environment category, and conditional category. Within the 4 Delphi panels with 54 factors, the results have shown that 2 factors were on 4 points (Normal), 21 factors were on 5 points (Important) and 31 factors were on 6 points (Very important). The consensus and convergence have been considered to evaluate the expertise opinion within the Delphi method that about 0.9 value of consensus has found on 4th panel as much as the sequences of Delphi. The convergence based on 2nd panel (=1) has been found that most in 4thpanel were existed between 0.2 and 0.5. There was difference between the significance value using Delphi method and the estimate using Bayesian technique, such that was calculated by the results of 3rd panel as pre-range and the results of 4th panel as standard-range. As the results of the analysis of 54 factors, the most significant factors found were 5 fitness factor, 3 essential technique, 5 understanding game, 3 tactics, 2 match analytical factor, 2 environmental factors, 4 mental factors, 3 motivational factors, 2 psychological factors and 2 preparation factors . This study were significant factors in order to analysed team performance that the Delphi method has been used in order to explore all significant factors influenced on team performance. Also, to estimate the significances of explored factors is to provide the evidence which could proof the significant factors for the analysis of team performance.
Key Words
Extimate of team performance, soccer, bayesian technique
Market segmentation by decision-making factors and cognitive advertising type in purchasing athletic shoes 인문,사회과학편 : 구매결정 인지적 요인에 따른 스포츠신발 세분화시장과 광고소비자 유형의 관계 분석
유의동YooEuiDong , 김상호KimSangHo
46(2) 213-225, 2007
Market segmentation by decision-making factors and cognitive advertising type in purchasing athletic shoes 인문,사회과학편 : 구매결정 인지적 요인에 따른 스포츠신발 세분화시장과 광고소비자 유형의 관계 분석
유의동YooEuiDong , 김상호KimSangHo
The purpose of this study was to segment athletic shoes consumers by decision-making factors and to define the segments obtained on the basis of the proticipants, characteristics including purchasing behavior, demographic profiles, sport participation and cognitive advertising types. By a proportionate quota sampling method, a total of 1,582 usable data were selected. Multiple steps were taken to analyze the data: a) an exploratory factor analysis to explain 10 decision-making variables in purchasing athletic shoes and 8 cognitive advertising variables; b) a cluster analysis to segment the participants;; c) ANOVA test to investigate the differences among the segments on the cognitive advertising types; and d) a cross-tabulation analysis with Chi-square to determine any significant segment descriptors among the purchasing behavior, sport partivipation, and demographic variables. In result, three decision-making factors and three advertising type factors were obtaine, and a set of four segments was identified on the basis of three decision-making factors.
Empirical research on structural relationship among service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, and re-visit intention ski resort 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스품질, 서비스가치, 고객 만족도 및 재 방문의도간의 인과관계
46(2) 227-238, 2007
Empirical research on structural relationship among service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, and re-visit intention ski resort 인문,사회과학편 : 스키리조트 서비스품질, 서비스가치, 고객 만족도 및 재 방문의도간의 인과관계
The purpose of this study was to examine the structural relationship among service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, and re-visit intention To accomplish of this study, 600 visitors from three randomly selected ski resorts in KangWon, Kungki, JungBu provinces were surveyed by means of the revised questionnaires. The content validity and reliability of the questionnaire was determined by conducting a pilot study. The reliability coefficient for the questionnaire was found to be over a=.70. For data analysis, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach's a, Pearson's r, structural equation model: SEM using SPSSWIN Ver. 10.0 and AMOS 4.0. The results of the study were as follows; First, perceived service quality of ski resort have significantly a positive effect on service value and customer satisfaction. Second, perceived service value have significantly a positive effect on customer satisfaction Finally, the result of this study also indicated that customer satisfaction have significantly a positive effect on re-visit intention.
Key Words
Ski resort, service quality, service value, customer satisfaction, re-visit intention
The analysis of investment environment multiplex leisure sports realestate on investor satisfaction, word-of-mouth intentions and reinvestment 인문,사회과학편 : 멀티플렉스 레저스포츠 부동산 투자환경 투자자 만족도, 구전의도, 재투자의 인과관계 분석
46(2) 239-248, 2007
The analysis of investment environment multiplex leisure sports realestate on investor satisfaction, word-of-mouth intentions and reinvestment 인문,사회과학편 : 멀티플렉스 레저스포츠 부동산 투자환경 투자자 만족도, 구전의도, 재투자의 인과관계 분석
The rapidly expanding city in Multi-plex business has the potential for leading the high-level leisure sports culture. Therefore, this study was intended to provide the effective suggestions for real property marketing that could heighten investors' satisfaction, word-of-mouth intentions and reinvestment through the development and improvement of the real property investment environment that is most important to activate the sports facility-related business.
The investors participating in the installment sale of the ‘Altistom’ shopping center, the Multi-plex leisure sports developed in Bucheon, Kyonggi Province, were selected as the population for this study, and the questionnaire research method was conducted for people sampled in the random sampling method, in case it is difficult to recruit tenants in the theme facility acquired through installment sale, it is necessary to set the low rent first and then propose the method to raise the rent gradually as the condition turns for the better. Or it is necessary to present the plan to raise the rate of return through efficient Multi-plex leisure sports employee management after installment sale. By doing so, it is possible to enhance investors' satisfaction and vitalize their word-of-mouth intention and reinvestment intention
Key Words
Real property investment environment, satisfaction, word-of-mouth intentions, reinvestment
The effect of immersion on relationship performance in internet sports shoppingmall 인문,사회과학편 : 인터넷 스포츠 쇼핑몰의 몰입이 관계효과에 미치는 영향
김봉경KimBongGyuong , 하철수HaChulSoo
46(2) 249-257, 2007
The effect of immersion on relationship performance in internet sports shoppingmall 인문,사회과학편 : 인터넷 스포츠 쇼핑몰의 몰입이 관계효과에 미치는 영향
김봉경KimBongGyuong , 하철수HaChulSoo
The purpose of this study was to empirically analyze effect of immersion on relationship performance in the internet sports shoppingmall. The questionnaire gathering was requested to secure top, a professional internet research organization. 306 questionnaires, collected by a data screening process with the on-line survey for panels satisfying the requirements based on the panel databases, were used for this study. Factor analyses, reliability analyses, correlation analysis, one-way ANOVA, simple linear regression were performed using SPSS V. 13.0. Results from the analysis are as follows. According to the test result on the between immersion and performance of the relationship, immersion had positive effect on repurchase intention, relationship maintenance intention, word of mouth. This paper attempts to immersion that internet sports shoppingmall should make customer relationship performance by recognizing the importance and value of customer-related marketing. Utilizing this relationship, it must establish the marketing strategy which can increase the sales and benefit of the enterprise in a very competitive environment.
Key Words
Immersion, relationship performance, repurchase intention, relationship maintenance intention, word of mouth
The performance related to operation of the sport management organizations on the success factor of knowledge management 인문,사회과학편 : 지식경영 성공요인에 따른 스포츠경영 조직의 운영성과
46(2) 259-268, 2007
The performance related to operation of the sport management organizations on the success factor of knowledge management 인문,사회과학편 : 지식경영 성공요인에 따른 스포츠경영 조직의 운영성과
The purpose of this study was to the performance related to operation of the sport management organizations on the success factor of knowledge management. For the purpose of the survey research, the business enterprises related to the sport management located in the Metropolitan area were selected according to the given criterion of classification. 300 employees working in each business enterprise were sampled in the stratified random sampling method. Validity was secured by conducting exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis(AMOS 4.0) in framing the questionnaire, and reliability was tested by computing the coefficient of Cronbach`s a Accordingly, 298 of the 300 questionnaires distributed to the respondents were returned and of them, 287 questionnaires were processed on the computers using the statistical program of SPSS 12.0. This study conducted regression analysis as the analytical technique. The following conclusion was reached: It was found that the volitional factor of the chief executive officer(CEO), The factor of appraisal, the factor of the organizational culture, the factor of the knowledge management system, the factor of the organizational structure had a positive effect on the performance related to operation of the sport management organizations.
Key Words
Sport management, knowledge management, operational performance
Golf spectator behavior structural model development 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 관람행도 구조 모형 개발
신규리ShinKyuLee , 원형중WonHyungJoong
46(2) 269-287, 2007
Golf spectator behavior structural model development 인문,사회과학편 : 골프 관람행도 구조 모형 개발
신규리ShinKyuLee , 원형중WonHyungJoong
The primary purpose of this study was to verify the model presumed to explain the causal relationships among golf spectator variables of involvement, identity, satisfaction through structural equation Modeling analyses. Prior to model verification, the researcher developed golf spectatorship scale that measured sport spectator’s aforementioned three major variables. In order meet the purpose of the study, the researcher conducted series of statistical analyses on following sequence. These were theoretical model proposal of golf spectatorship, measurement scale development and statistical verification, estimation of structural equation modeling of golf spectatorship, and selection of the model after a model comparison with competitive model. The subjects participated in those analyses were 476 respondents for the estimation of golf spectator behavior structural model and overall fit. Within its limitations, the researcher found the following results from this study. First, Golf spectator behavior structural model had one exogenous variable, 3 endogenous variables, namely, golf involvement, golf identity salience, direct/indirect golf participation intention. The researcher set up comparative model 1 and model 2 and did a comparison between these two models and came to draw a final golf spectator behavior structural model[CFI=.955/ NFI= .925, TU= .940, RMSEA= .069].
The purpose of this study was to analyze the relation of social support and stress of housewives who participate in swimming. The conclusions of this study were as follows : First, The difference analysis of the results of the level of social support according to participation level of the housewives in this study, the higher the participation level, the higher the social, material, and emotional support. Second, The analysis of the results of the effect an stress according to participation level of housewives in this study, the longer the participation period, the less housewives experienced sleep trouble and were unstable. Also, it was demonstrated that the higher the participation level, the less housewives were unstable. Third, It showed that the higher the material support, the higher the stress and the higher the emotional support, the less the stress.
Key Words
Social support, stress, housewife
Influences of leisure time and leisure activity pattern according to implementation of 40-time workweek system on the changes of satisfaction with leisure, job, and life of Korean employees 인문,사회과학편 : 완전 주 40시간 근무제 실시에 따른 여가시간 및 여가활동 패턴의 변화가 여가만족, 직무만족, 생활만족의 변화에 미치는 영향
이종길LeeJongKill , 김동건KimDongKun , 이문숙LeeMoonSook
46(2) 301-316, 2007
Influences of leisure time and leisure activity pattern according to implementation of 40-time workweek system on the changes of satisfaction with leisure, job, and life of Korean employees 인문,사회과학편 : 완전 주 40시간 근무제 실시에 따른 여가시간 및 여가활동 패턴의 변화가 여가만족, 직무만족, 생활만족의 변화에 미치는 영향
이종길LeeJongKill , 김동건KimDongKun , 이문숙LeeMoonSook
The purpose of this study was to examine changes of leisure time & activity pattern, leisure satisfaction, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction according to implement of 40-time day workweek system, and also find out influence of the leisure activity changes on the leisure satisfaction, job satisfaction, and life satisfaction of Korean enployees. Main contents and results of this study were as following : First, total leisure time has significantly increased according to implementation of 40-time day workweek system, Second, participation in leisure activities such as region, culture, hobbies has incresed significantly. Third, satisfaction with leisure, job, and life has significantly increased according to implementation of 40-time workweek system, Fourth, changes of leisure activities according to 40-time workweek system has influenced positively on increase of satisfaction with leisure, job, and life.
Key Words
40-time workweek system, leisure time, leisure activity, leisure satisfaction, job satisfaction, life satisfaction
The influence of social dancing programs on the satisfactory leisure and lives of the old woman 인문,사회과학편 : 사회무용 프로그램이 여성 노인의 여가 및 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
최재진ChoiJaeJin , 박진희ParkJinHee , 윤용진YoonYongJin
46(2) 317-325, 2007
The influence of social dancing programs on the satisfactory leisure and lives of the old woman 인문,사회과학편 : 사회무용 프로그램이 여성 노인의 여가 및 생활만족도에 미치는 영향
최재진ChoiJaeJin , 박진희ParkJinHee , 윤용진YoonYongJin
The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of social dancing programs on the satisfactory leisure and lives of the old woman. The targets of this research who were mainly analyzed were finally selected 210 old persons were participating in social dancing programs at social culture and welfare centers and schools for the old located in Dongjak-gu, MapogU/ and Youngdeungpo-gu. The SPSS Windows 12.0 program was used to analyze returned questionnaires, using statistical techniques such as Qae-way ANOVA, ANCOVA and Multi regression analysis. The results showed that Firstly, there was a significant difference in the degree of leisure satisfaction and living satisfaction among groups classified by 'personal character" variables such as ages, family types, pocket money, and job in the past. Secondly, there was a significant difference among the influence of social dancing programs on living or leisure satisfactions for each group. Thirdly, among the subordinate factors of leisure satisfaction, only educational factor influenced living satisfaction
Key Words
Social dancing programs satisfactory leisure and lives
The research about the relationship of teenagers between watching TV dance programs and participation activity for dance 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년의 TV 댄스프로그램 시청과 댄스참여활동의 관계 분석
송영은SongYoungEun , 김승일KimSeungIl
46(2) 327-336, 2007
The research about the relationship of teenagers between watching TV dance programs and participation activity for dance 인문,사회과학편 : 청소년의 TV 댄스프로그램 시청과 댄스참여활동의 관계 분석
송영은SongYoungEun , 김승일KimSeungIl
This research's purpose is to examine the relationship between watching TV dance programs and dance recreations positively. 587 volunteers' data have been used for this investigation except for inproper data. The survey papers that are already developed in the monograph of Kim Su-Hee in 2000 have been used. The conclusions are below on the basis of the result from the statistics and the research process. The rate of watching TV dance programs, the direct activities and the indirect activities has differences according to the statistics of the population Moreover the higher degrees of satisfaction, immersion and contact, the higher period, frequency and strength of real activities in accordance with watching TV dance programs. Furthermore for watching TV dance programs and having indirect activities, if the immersion gets higher, the rate of visiting broadcasting studio and watching DMB gets higher and watching the internet-based broadcasting was related to satisfaction
Key Words
Relation, teenagers, tv, dance, participation
Effects of step exercise on metabolic syndrome markers, insulin resistance and plasma metabolism-related hormones in obese middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 스텝운동이 비만 중년여성의 대상증후군 지표와 인슐린 저항성 및 혈중 대사호르몬에 미치는 효과
장재훈JangJaeHoon , 허선HurSun
46(2) 337-346, 2007
Effects of step exercise on metabolic syndrome markers, insulin resistance and plasma metabolism-related hormones in obese middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 스텝운동이 비만 중년여성의 대상증후군 지표와 인슐린 저항성 및 혈중 대사호르몬에 미치는 효과
장재훈JangJaeHoon , 허선HurSun
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of step exercise(65-75% HRmax) on metabolic syndrome markers, insulin resistance and plasma metabolism-related hormone in obese middle-aged women. Exercise program was performed for 12 weeks and blood biochemical variables were analyzed before and after exercise training. From the results, there were significant differences between before and after step exercise. In the body composition there were significant difference on the body weight, %fat and BM were significantly decreased. In the metabolic syndrome markers there were significant difference on the waist circumference, blood pressure, plasma TG and glucose were significantly decreased, HDL-C was significantly increased. HOMA-IR, insulin, leptin and free fatty add were significantly decreased in step exercise after 12 weeks. QUIQQ was significantly increased. In conclusion, step exercise program in obese middle-aged women appears to be helpful for improving the obesity.
Relationship between physical activity questionnaires and estimation of daily energy expenditure using heart rate recording 자연과학편 : 한국 성인 남자들 대상으로 신체활동 측정 설문지들과 심박수 측정 방법의 에너지 소비량 상관관계 비교
Relationship between physical activity questionnaires and estimation of daily energy expenditure using heart rate recording 자연과학편 : 한국 성인 남자들 대상으로 신체활동 측정 설문지들과 심박수 측정 방법의 에너지 소비량 상관관계 비교
Twenty-nine healthy college men (24.0±20 yrs) volunteered to participate. International Physical Activity questionnairefIPAQ), Seven-Day Physical Activity Recall(S~PAR), Baecke Questionnaire of Habitual Physical Activity(BQ), and Bouchard Three-day Physical Activity Record(B-PAR) were administered, and the heart rate is measured by Polar. The current study determined that S-PAR, BQ, and B-PAR were suited to assessment of physical activity for Koran adult man, and IPAQ was reflected in activity refer to heat rate measurement. S-PAR and B-PAR were correlative to body specific and maximum fitness capability. IPAQ were correlative between intensity of separated physical activity using heart rate and active intensity of answer in questionaries. Especially, these were suited to assessment of physical activity in low and middle intensity. This study shows that participant spent most time of a day with light activity, for this reason, it may proper that IPAQ and S-PAR could examine to correlationship in low-middle intensity activity.
Key Words
Physical activity, physical activity questionnaire, heart rate, energy expenditure
Effect of exercise training on expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT 3 protein in the hippocampus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 자연과학편 : 운동훈련이 당뇨유발 흰쥐 노의 해마에서 GLUT 1과 GLUT 3단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
Effect of exercise training on expression of GLUT 1 and GLUT 3 protein in the hippocampus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 자연과학편 : 운동훈련이 당뇨유발 흰쥐 노의 해마에서 GLUT 1과 GLUT 3단백질 발현에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of exercise training on GLUT 1 and GLUT 3 protein expression in the hippocampus of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided in切 three groups: control group (n=6), STZ-induced diabetes group (n=6), and STZ-induced diabetes and exercise group (n=6). Rats in the exercise group were made to run on a motorized treadmill for 30 min once a day for 4 weeks. GLUT 1 and GLUT 3 protein expression in the hippocampus was analyzed by Western blotting. GLUT 1 level in STZ-induced diabetes group was significantly higher than that in control group(p<.05). Exercise training in STZ-induced diabetic rats induced a significant increase compared with STZ-induced diabetic rats(p<.05). However, GLUT 3 level did not differ significantly among three groups. In conclusion, these results suggest that the STZ-induced diabetes may result in a Compensatory increase of GLUT 1 protein expression in the rat hippocampus, and exercise training may contribute to an compensatory up-regulation of GLUT 1 protein expression in STZ-induced diabetic rats.
Key Words
%fat, BMI, regression model
Effects of falling experience to gait pattern, functional fitness and leg strength of elderly women 자연과학편 : 여성 노인의 낙상유무가 보행패턴, 신체기능, 그리고 하지근력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to analyze and conpare the tenporo-spatial gait characteristics, lower extremity muscular strength and functional fitness of fall-experience in older female. There were one group experienced fal^rF^O), and the other group did not experience fall(n=51). ten^oro-spatial parameters of gait were analysed for using the corr^?uterized GaitRite system fall experience subjects were worse than non fall-experience subjects on functional fitness, the corrpared to non fall-experience sul^ects, fall-experience subjects were much more unstable to Isokinetic test, collected data were analysed by the independent t-test. Muscle balance showed no significant correlation between group, while, in functional fitness, non-fall experience showed significant between group, therefore these results in^tly that fall-experience may cause much more serious level of func仕onal fitness and isokinetic test, further studies re needs to identify vMch specific factors are related to fall in the elderly population, and it is expected this study may contribute in reducing fall and therapeutic exercise in falling.
Effects of aqua-exercises and knee joint-exercises on body composition and bone mineral density levels in elderly with osteoarthritis 자연과학편 : 수중 운동과 슬관절 운동이 퇴행성관절염환자의 신체조성과 골밀도 수준에 미치는 영향
최필병ChoiPilByung , 이대택LeeDaeTaek , 진정권JinJungKwon
46(2) 379-387, 2007
Effects of aqua-exercises and knee joint-exercises on body composition and bone mineral density levels in elderly with osteoarthritis 자연과학편 : 수중 운동과 슬관절 운동이 퇴행성관절염환자의 신체조성과 골밀도 수준에 미치는 영향
최필병ChoiPilByung , 이대택LeeDaeTaek , 진정권JinJungKwon
The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effects of aqua-exercise(AE) and Knee joint-exercise(KJE) on body composition and bone mineral density in 38 older women with osteoarthritis. For the purpose, the subjects of this study were separated by three groups, who the first group was 11 KJE group, the second group was 13 AE group, and the last group was 14 non-exercisers group or control group(CON). The two exercise program was operated for warm-up (10rtim)/ work-out(40min)/ cool-down(10min), and 5 times a week for 12 weeks. Exercise was performed at VO2max 60%. The results : At first, the variables of body composition were significantly different to body weigh(p<.001) and muscle mass(p<.05) in KJE group, AE group and CON group. At second, the variables of bone mineral density were significantly different to total BMD(P<05), T-score(p<.05)/ trunk’s BMD(p<.01), rib’s(P<001), and pelvis's BMD(p<.05). As results of these conclusion, this study have shown that AE and KJE was superior to CON in body composition and bone mineral density. Especially, KJE was superior to AE on body composition and bone mineral density levels in elderly with osteoarthritis
Key Words
Aqua-exercise, knee joint-exercise, body composition, bone mineral density(BMD), osteoarthritis, elderly women
Effects of hatha yoga exercise on serum adiponectin and metabolic syndrome factors in obese middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 하타요가 운동이 비만중년여성의 아디포넥틴농도와 대사증후군 인자에 미치는 영향
김기봉KimKiBong , 이정아LeeJeongAh
46(2) 389-397, 2007
Effects of hatha yoga exercise on serum adiponectin and metabolic syndrome factors in obese middle-aged women 자연과학편 : 하타요가 운동이 비만중년여성의 아디포넥틴농도와 대사증후군 인자에 미치는 영향
김기봉KimKiBong , 이정아LeeJeongAh
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of Hatha Yoga exercise on serum adiponectin and metabolic syndrome factors in obese middle-aged women. The subjects were 19 obese women composed of the Yoga exercise group(n=10) trained for 20-week and the Control group(n=9). The variables of body composition, serum adiponectin and metabolic syndrome factors were measured in all the subjects before and after the 20-week Yoga training. The results of the study in the Yoga group were as follows; The body weight, %fat, BM, waist circumference, WHR and VFA had significantly decreased, but LBM had increased. The adiponectin and HDL-C had significantly increased/ but TQ TG, LDL-Q insulin and HOMA-IR had decreased. And waist circurnference, SBP; DBP, TG7 HDI-Q LDI-C and HOMA-IR were the metabolic syndrome factors affecting the adiponectin in the Yoga group. Therefore, regular and continuous Yoga exercise will be effective for preventing the life-style diseases with improvement of the metabolic syndrome factors and insulin resistance by increasing the serum adiponectin
Key Words
Adiponectin, metabolic syndrome, HOMA-IR
Effects of a 12-week elastic resistance exercise training on isokinetic strength and control function of posture in Taekwondo Players 자연과학편 : 12주년간의 탄생 저항운동 트레이닝이 태권도 선수의 등속성 근력과 자세조절 기능에 미치는 영향
Effects of a 12-week elastic resistance exercise training on isokinetic strength and control function of posture in Taekwondo Players 자연과학편 : 12주년간의 탄생 저항운동 트레이닝이 태권도 선수의 등속성 근력과 자세조절 기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of 12 weeks of elastic resistance exercise training on isokinetic strength and balance in Taekwondo athletes and to furnish fundamental data for improving postural stability. Thirty two collegiate Taekwondo athletes were volunteered to participate in this study during 12 weeks as subjects and they were divided into two groups such as elastic resistance training group(n=16), and control group(n=16). Isokinetic muscle function and balance were assessed before and after 12weeks of the interventions. The result of this study were increased isokinetic strength and were improved control posture of function of the Taekwondo players. In conclusion, 12 weeks of elastic resistance exercise training was effective in enhancing isokinetic muscle function but was not effective balance in Taekwondo athletes. This study showed possibility of fittable training method for each component of postural stability function through positive effects on resistance and balance exercise training.
Key Words
Taekwondo, posture control, waist and ankle training
The expression of MAP kinases in aged-rat skeletal muscle by endurance training 자연과학편 : 지구성 트레이닝에 의한 노화된 주위 골격근내 MAP kinases 활성도의 변화
46(2) 409-418, 2007
The expression of MAP kinases in aged-rat skeletal muscle by endurance training 자연과학편 : 지구성 트레이닝에 의한 노화된 주위 골격근내 MAP kinases 활성도의 변화
The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of phosphoERK1/2, phospho-p38 MAPK, and phosphor-JNK protein in aged skeletal muscles by endurance training. The expression of ERK1/2, p38MAPK, and phosphor-JNK protein in EDL and soleus muscle was exzamined by western boltting. The expression of phospho-ERKL/2 and phospho-JNK protein in EDL and SOL muscle were higher in aged muscle compared to young muscle in rest but after training was increased in young while decreased in aged muscle. The phospho-p38 MAPK expression in EDL and SOL muscle were higher aged muscle compared to young muscle in rest. After training, the phospho-p38 MAPK expression in EDL muscle was increased but in SOL muscle was decreased. These results suggest that the MAP kinase is specifically expressed according to the type of muscle fibers during ageing and the expression of MAP kinase by endurance training is the bigger in young muscle than aged muscle.
Key Words
Ageing, endurance training, soleus, EDL, phosphor-ERK1/2, phosphor-p38, phospho-JNK, western blotting
The effects of plyometric training on physical fitness and skating abilities in ice hockey players 자연과학편 : 플라이오메트릭 트레이닝이 아이스하키 선수들의 기초체력 및 스케이팅 능력에 미치는 영향
46(2) 419-430, 2007
The effects of plyometric training on physical fitness and skating abilities in ice hockey players 자연과학편 : 플라이오메트릭 트레이닝이 아이스하키 선수들의 기초체력 및 스케이팅 능력에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of plyometric training during oversea discipline on physical fitness and skating abilities in ice hockey players. Research subjects were 20 college ice hockey players and they were randomly divided into experimental group(n=10) and control group(n=10). They were participated in oversea discipline for 6 weeks and also tested in physical fitness and skating ability tests in pre(0week) and post(6week)- oversea discipline. Among the five physical fitness test sit-up(p<.01) and standing jump(p<,001) had interacting effects and among four skating ability tests 18m shuttle x5(p<,003) and T shape-test(p<.004) had interacting effects. In conclusion, plyometric training during oversea discipline has positive effects on physical fitness and skating abilities in ice hockey players.
Nonlinear time series analysis of dynamic stability during human waling at the preferred speed 자연과학편 : 비선형 시계열 분석 기법에 의한 서호속도 걷기의 동적 안정성 비교 분석
46(2) 431-439, 2007
Nonlinear time series analysis of dynamic stability during human waling at the preferred speed 자연과학편 : 비선형 시계열 분석 기법에 의한 서호속도 걷기의 동적 안정성 비교 분석
The purpose of this study was to determine the local dynamic stability during walking. Six subjects (mean height: 180.1±5.9cm, mean body mass: 76.1±8.8kg, mean age: 30.1±0.2) who had no history of injury in the extremities participated and were asked to walk at their preferred walking speed (mean speed 4.0±0.7km/hr.), 20 percent less than preferred walking speed (mean speed 3.2±0.5km/hr.) and 20 percent greater(mean speed 4.7±0.8km/hr.). Three-dimensional Coordinates of the markers attached on the hip, knee, ankle joint were collected from 100 strides during continuous treadmill walking at three walking conditions. Lyapunov exponents(LyE) were computed for nonlinear time series of the knee’s vertical displacement and its joint angle in sagittal plane on these walking speed conditions to quantify the local dynamic stability. Lyapunov exponent of the knee displacement was not predicted by difference in walking speed, but most subjects showed that Lyapunov exponents from the knee joint angle exhibited the lowest in the preferred walking speed. These results supported the fact that it was the most stability to walk at preferred walking speed compared with non-preferred walking speed.
Key Words
lyapunov exponent, nonlinear time series, local dynamic stability
The effect of torso rotation exercise on the alleviation of the curvature of the female adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 자연과학편 : 체간 몸통회전 운동이 여자 청소년의 특발성 척추 측만증 만곡완화에 미치는 영향
문훈기MoonHunKee , 소재무SoJaeMoo , 한길수HanGilSoo
46(2) 441-450, 2007
The effect of torso rotation exercise on the alleviation of the curvature of the female adolescent idiopathic scoliosis 자연과학편 : 체간 몸통회전 운동이 여자 청소년의 특발성 척추 측만증 만곡완화에 미치는 영향
문훈기MoonHunKee , 소재무SoJaeMoo , 한길수HanGilSoo
This study was done to 22 female students who have been diagnosed as having Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Those female patients were divided into two groups, as 11 patients in each group. For 8 weeks and 6 days a week, one group was assigned to do Scoliosis Exercise program, and the other group was assigned to do Torso Rotational Exercise using Medx Torso Rotation Machine. After 8 week of exercise, the Cobb’s Angles and the maximum muscular strengths per Nm body weight were measured and the measurements were compared before and after exercise and between two groups. In case of lumbar muscular strength per Nm body weight, both Scoliosis exercise group and Torso rotational exercise group showed significant increases in muscular strength(p<.001) at all angles (0' 12°, 24,0 36。, 48°, 60°, 72°) after exercise than before exercise. In case of Cobb’s angle measurement, Torso rotation exercise program group has shown a significant decrease (22.13% decrease) in curvature. Therefore, for youth has Adolescent Idopathic Scoliosis, it is expected that torso rotation exercise improves the muscular strength in lumbar extension muscle as well as Cobb's angle.
A direction to propel the Physical Education Advancement Scheme can be found by analyzing the development of other Physical Education Advancement schemes in western cultures from a historical point of view and also by analyzing philosophically the value they place on modem day physical education and sports. In addition, this study includes a blueprint for a '6 Part Movement’ for the future development of they Physical Education Advancement scheme. Firstly, the Physical Education Advancement scheme must take the form of a social movement in pursuit of dynamic nationality cultivation through sports. Secondly, the said advancement scheme must be a social movement that encompasses the pursuit of health and happiness through sports. Thirdly, it must be able to serve as a tool for character edification and moral improvement. Furthermore, the scheme should incorporate a pursuit of healthy and appropriate leisure culture through sports. Also the Physical Education Advancement Scheme must continue and promote traditional physical culture. Finally, the scheme must be a social movement that cultivates and revitalizes social sports societies.
Key Words
Cutting, moment, joint
Effects of taurine ingestion before exercise on lipid metabolism, glycogen storage and antioxidant system in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 자연과학편 : 운동전 타우린 섭취가 당뇨 유발쥐의 지질대사, 글리코겐 함량 및 항산화체계에 미치는 영향
Effects of taurine ingestion before exercise on lipid metabolism, glycogen storage and antioxidant system in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats 자연과학편 : 운동전 타우린 섭취가 당뇨 유발쥐의 지질대사, 글리코겐 함량 및 항산화체계에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study was to examine that taurine administration just 1 h prior to exercise an blood lipid metabolism, glycogen storage, and antioxidant system in streptozotocin(STZ)-induced diabetic male rats. Twenty-one male Sprague-Dawley rats were used as the subjects. They have fed commercial diet ad libitum for the experimental periods. After the diabetes occured by STZ, they exercise trained on the treadmill at 10 m/min, 10 min/d for 3 d. And then, at the experimental day, they orally adiminstered 15 g/kg of taurine just 1 h prior to exercise at 20 m/m, 7% of incline for 30 min. Stored-fat weight (mesentery, abdomen, epididymal) was significantly lower in diabetic group (p<.05). Blood glucose concentrations before the experimental day was singificantly increased in diabetic group (p<.05). Blood triglyceride was singificantly increased in diabetic group (p<05). In addition, AI was also increased singificantly in diabetic group (p<.05). Liver and skeletal muscles glycogen content were significantly decreased in diabetic group (p<.05). Finally, MDA was significantly increased in diabetic group (p<.05). And SOD was significantly decreased in diabetic group (p<.05). These results suggested that acute administration of taurine in STZ-induced diabetic rate has no effect on lipid metabolism, glycogenuse, and antioxidant system.
Key Words
taurine, exercise, Lipid metabolism glycogen storage, antioxidant system
Association of physical activity with circulating inflammatory markers and body fat distribution in postmenopausal women 자연과학편 : 폐경 후 여성의 운동참여 여부에 따른 체지방 분포 및 혈중 염증관련 지표의 비교
김기진KimKiJin , 공경민GongKyungMin
46(2) 473-484, 2007
Association of physical activity with circulating inflammatory markers and body fat distribution in postmenopausal women 자연과학편 : 폐경 후 여성의 운동참여 여부에 따른 체지방 분포 및 혈중 염증관련 지표의 비교
김기진KimKiJin , 공경민GongKyungMin
This study examined the differences of body fat distribution^ circulating inflammatory markers, and physical fitness between spontaneous exercise participants and non participants in healthy Korean postmenopausal women. we studied 57 postmenopausal women who were divided into 2 groups (exercise participant and non-participant group). We measured anthropometric factors, BP, blood levels of glucose, lipids, fibrinogen, hsCRP, leptin, HbA1c, HOMA, intima media thickness of carotid artery by ultrasonography, and physical fitness. Compared with the non-exercise participants, exercise participants bad significantly lower (p<.05) BM, WH民 abdominal & visceral fat area with no significant differences in blood pressure. Blood lipid profiles, AI, and HOMA of exercise participants were significantly (p<.05) lower than non-exercise participants. Blood level of hsCRP of exercise participants was significantly (p<.05) lower than non-exercise participants, whereas adiponectin of exercise participants was significantly (p<.05) higher than non-exercise participants. Cardiopulmonary function and flexibility of exercise participants was significantly (p<.05) higher than non-exercise participants. Exercise participation can be protective against development of total and central obesity, increase circulating inflammatory markers and insulin resistance with improvement of physical fitness in healthy postmenopausal women
Relationship between physical function and cognitive function in elderly women 자연과학편 : 여성 노인의 신체적 기능과 인지적 기능의 관계
이병옥LeeByoungOk , 최종환ChoiJongHwan , 이규문LeeKyuMoon
46(2) 485-495, 2007
Relationship between physical function and cognitive function in elderly women 자연과학편 : 여성 노인의 신체적 기능과 인지적 기능의 관계
이병옥LeeByoungOk , 최종환ChoiJongHwan , 이규문LeeKyuMoon
The purpose of this study was to analyze a relationship between physical function and cognitive functioning in elderly women The subjects were old women 52(69.58±.3.57 yrs) who were all volunteered. The instruments used the standardized MMSE-K for cognitive function. The subject were tested on physical function; muscular strength and endurance, flexibility, agility, cardiorespiratory endurance, balance was by static posture balance and dynamic posture balance. The used statistical methods for data analysis ware Pearson's correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. This study obtained the results as follows: First, The subject showed significant relationship between flexibility·cardiorespiratory endurance and memory, also showed significant relationship between static/dynamic PCC(principle concentration and calculation) · LJO(language and judgment and object assembly). Second, muscular endurance, agility, static and dynamic balance affected orientation satisfaction and agility, cardiorespiratory affected memory satisfaction, static and dynamic balance affected principle concentration and calculation, language and judgment and object assembly satisfaction.